Workshop with Combat Paper
to Mar 26

Workshop with Combat Paper




If you are interested in attending or participating, please send an email with your contact info to

The Sculpture Studio is located across Route 202 from the main campus, next to the ball field. Because the process involves wet paper pulp, please don’t wear fancy clothes.

Combat Paper is represented in the provocative Ramapo College exhibition The Masculinity Project (Incomplete) which is on view through April 4th in the Berrie Center Kresge and Pascal Galleries.

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Kresge and Pascal Galleries - Berrie Center
5:00 PM17:00

Kresge and Pascal Galleries - Berrie Center

  • Ramapo College, Berrie Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kresge and Pascal Galleries, Berrie Center

Reception March 26th, 5-7 pm

An unusual group exhibition featuring various approaches to the topic of masculinity, including: Media representations and stereotypes, non-binary matters,

"Bro Culture" and Greek Life, military ideals, fatherhood, toxic masculinity, male beauty and the Female Gaze.

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7:00 PM19:00


  • California College of the Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hand papermaker Drew Francis Cameron renders military uniforms into paper. Through workshops and events, he facilitates the pulping process, offering material and space for people to make their own sheets of paper. A former sergeant in the United States Army Field Artillery and an Iraq War veteran, Cameron has traveled with his unusual studio and technique for seventeen years; teaching and working in creative spaces from coast to coast as the principal artist of Combat Paper.

Throughout the years of the most recent American wars, Cameron and his cohort have developed a modality for artistic response through paper, print and book, often creating works from within the ranks of those actively and formerly in the US military.

Cameron’s work has been exhibited internationally. His books and print editions are in numerous public collections and libraries throughout the country including the Library of Congress. Cameron maintains his paper studio and resides in Iowa City, Iowa, a UNESCO city of literature.

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to Mar 5


Tasmeem Doha is an international, biennial art and design conference hosted and organized by VCUarts Qatar since 2004. Each edition of Tasmeem Doha highlights a unique and contemporary theme within art and design, exploring novel concepts, methods, and applications, and engaging in critical discussions. Much of the  event is open to the public, with attendees and participants consisting of international designers, artists, academics, students, industry professionals, and the local community.

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University of North Florida
to Nov 5

University of North Florida

  • University of North Florida (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Combat Paper® is a hand papermaking workshop facilitated by artist and Iraq War veteran Drew Francis Cameron that teaches people to make paper from United States military uniforms.

This series of workshops is supported by:

Department of Art, Art History, and Design

UNF Military and Veterans Resource Center

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Grinnell College
to Oct 13

Grinnell College

Fabric Papermaking Demo with Drew Cameron
Thursday, October 12: 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Grinnell Arts Center Front Lawn

Bring your used clothing, military uniforms, sheets, dishtowels or old blue jeans and be a part of a spring theatre production! Dirty, stained or torn; all natural fabrics (think cotton) welcome! Collection bin located in the Arts Center lobby.

Veteran artist
Drew Cameron of Combat Paper will visit Grinnell next week to collaborate with Grinnell College professor Jen Shook, creating paper out of used clothing and fabric collected from the community. This paper will be used to create sets for Jen's spring production, Songs of Scarlet & Wayback, drawn from the community archives. Email for more information.

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University of North Florida
to Sep 17

University of North Florida

  • University of North Florida (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Combat Paper® is a hand papermaking workshop facilitated by artist and Iraq War veteran Drew Francis Cameron that teaches people to make paper from United States military uniforms.

This series of workshops is supported by:

Department of Art, Art History, and Design

UNF Military and Veterans Resource Center

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Art on Paper New York
to Sep 10

Art on Paper New York

Art on Paper, New York City’s celebrated, medium-driven fair, returns to downtown Manhattan’s Pier 36 during September 2023’s Armory Art Week with 100 galleries featuring top modern and contemporary paper-based art. The fair’s ninth edition will showcase unique and powerful projects curated by Artistic Director Nato Thompson, with a focus on can’t-miss performances highlighting the creative potential of paper.

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Pulp Printing in Handmade Paper
to May 19

Pulp Printing in Handmade Paper

Pulp Printing in Handmade Paper course at Paper & Book Intensive 2023. Paper and Book Inten­sive is an annual work­ing sab­bat­i­cal in the book arts, paper­mak­ing, and con­ser­va­tion for sea­soned prac­ti­tion­ers and moti­vated begin­ners. For more than thirty years, par­tic­i­pants have gath­ered together from around the world for two weeks of daily work­shops to pro­mote unusual lev­els of exchange, knowl­edge and inspi­ra­tion.

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Hand Papermaking with Rags & Textiles
2:00 PM14:00

Hand Papermaking with Rags & Textiles

Rags Make Paper... Clothing rags, once a dominant commodity in paper production, are still used today in the art and craft of hand papermaking. In this workshop you will learn how to make handmade sheets of paper rendered from clothing rags and textiles. Learn the basics about acquiring fiber, preparing and processing them into paper pulp with a Hollander beater and the steps of forming them into sheets of paper. Tools and materials are provided, please bring scissors, an apron and footwear for wet conditions.

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SURVIVING THE LONG WARS - Veteran Art Triennial and Summit
to Mar 19

SURVIVING THE LONG WARS - Veteran Art Triennial and Summit

  • Chicago Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inspired by the powerful artwork of Indigenous and Native American artists responding to the US “Indian Wars” and artists of the Greater Middle East reacting to the “Global War on Terror,” the second Veteran Art Triennial & Summit focus on how these artistic responses complicate and entangle with the artistic practices of veterans. The featured artworks, projects, and programs create opportunities for people to deepen their understanding of the impact of war.

The project begins with a virtual scholarly seminar series at the nexus of critical ethnic studies, Native/Indigenous studies, and Middle Eastern Studies on the histories and futures of Native rebellion alongside contemporary US militarism and warfare. The project culminates in the second Veteran Art Triennial and Summit, in Spring 2023, at the Chicago Cultural Center, Hyde Park Art Center, and Newberry Library.

SURVIVING THE LONG WARS is organized by Aaron Hughes, Ronak K. Kapadia, Therese Quinn, Joseph Lefthand, and Amber Zora with support from the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Institute for the Humanities Innovation Grant, UIC Award for Creative Activity, Chicago Cultural Center, Hyde Park Art Center, Newberry Library, DEMIL Art Fund, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Dialogues on the Experiences of War Grant. NEH Veteran Fellows include Gina Herrera, Monty Little, Gerald Sheffield, Anthony Torres, Eric Perez, and Natasha Erskine.

Special thanks to the Disability Cultural Center, the Native American Support Program, and the Women’s Leadership and Resource Center at UIC.

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O Say Can You See
to Dec 17

O Say Can You See

O Say Can You See
November 4 – December 17, 2022,
Gallery Hall, Marketview Arts (downtown)
First Friday Reception: November 4, 5:00 PM, Marketview Arts

“Themes of valor and sacrifice, common to Veterans Day events, are complicated by expressions of grief, confusion, anger, and remorse in this exhibition of artwork by combat veterans, whose experiences at war and upon returning home sometimes leave them wondering what it was all for.”

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Exploring PTSD - Healing Through Art
to Sep 28

Exploring PTSD - Healing Through Art

  • The High Ground Veterans Memorial Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This important exhibition seeks to provide education about PTSD – the history and current thoughts on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – along with the primary goal of offering ideas and workshops to Veterans and families that may help them with their personal PTSD journeys.

Healing through art has been established as an effective means of allowing a Veteran (or civilian) to express their thoughts and experiences through a creative process, thus encouraging them to be more open to sharing their experiences with fellow Veterans and loved ones. Healing through art also allows the viewer, even civilian viewers, to better see and understand the complex depths of thought and emotion that veterans managing PTSD are experiencing.

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Al Mudhif – A Confluence
to Oct 31

Al Mudhif – A Confluence

  • The Schuylkill Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Al Mudhif – A Confluence is an outdoor art installation by Sarah Kavage & Yaroub Al-Obaidi and an accompanying gallery exhibition at the Schuylkill Center that explore notions of belonging and healing amidst the current moment of careful reconnection. Al Mudhif provides a welcoming space for intercultural encounters at the Schuylkill Center that equally offers a critical perspective on global migration of plants and people.

24 June – 31 October 2021

Curated by Tina Plokarz

The installation Al Mudhif is accompanied by a communal exhibition in the Visitor Center reflecting on belonging and sanctuary. Through the lenses of creative voices of art and activism, war experience, and indigenous resilience from Iraq to the Delaware River watershed, the exhibition offers a place for reconciliation across cultures and countries. The exhibition features artworks by Drew Cameron of Combat Paper, Meridel Rubenstein, art collective Justseeds, Tailinh Agoyo, Tchin; audio recordings by U.S. veterans, Iraqis, and Native Americans reflecting on war and sanctuary (including Moral Injury of War project); and documentary photography by Rob Zverina, Sarah Kavage, and Raad Habeeb Al Asadi, and other participants during Al Mudhif’s construction.

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In War 1940-
to Dec 31

In War 1940-

"In War 1940- is a collaboration between artists Karen Baldner (CBAA member) and Drew Cameron, who directs Combat Paper, an organization that was founded in 2007 as a way to connect returning veterans with their communities through the paper-making process. In War 1940- is a 3-folio, six-page piano hinge binding. Each page represents a conflict the US has been engaged in since and including World War II and is handmade from pulp of shredded uniforms pertaining to its respective conflict. The conflict that contributed to the paper that formed each page is printed on its back. The pages are held together with dowels and attached to a hard cover. Pages are consecutively smaller with the largest page representing World War II and the smallest page representing Afghanistan. The stepped piano hinge structure allows pages to be visible simultaneously and in relation to each other. Cover and inside lining are made from a paper pulp mixture of uniforms from all US conflicts represented in the book. The project is an effort to comprise the work of Combat Paper into a tangible, comprehensive object. Although Karen and Drew were the main organizing agents in making this book, part of its construction was a collaboration with combat veterans who donated uniforms and cut them into pieces for the pulping process. In War 1940- was funded in part by a project grant from CBAA in 2015"

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Visual Disobedience: Iowa Artists Dissent, Propose, Actualize! - Anderson Gallery at Drake University
to Feb 14

Visual Disobedience: Iowa Artists Dissent, Propose, Actualize! - Anderson Gallery at Drake University

The artists in VISUAL DISOBEDIENCE respond to the current state of affairs in our culture. Their artworks are a form of concentrated awareness. The saying that “visual artists make the invisible visible” proves true in this exhibition: the artists allow us to see relationships between mandates handed down by our governing system and the results on human beings. These relationships would otherwise be invisible abstractions: the mandate and the result widely separated by time and distance. Artworks included in the exhibit raise questions and propose new ideas, and at times they create desirable alternatives to present circumstances.

Artists showcased in this exhibition include Miriam Alarcon Avila, Paul Brenin, Drew Cameron & Combat Paper, Phillip Chen, Tom Christison, David Dunlap, Mira Engler, John Fender, Donté K. Hayes, Edward V. Kelley, Emily Newman, M. Ryan Noble, Mitchell Squire, Rob Stephens, Taylor Yocom

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Rising Together at University of Iowa Main Library Gallery
to Jan 3

Rising Together at University of Iowa Main Library Gallery

The College Book Art Association (CBAA) has organized Rising Together | an Exhibition of Zines, Artists’ Books and Prints with a Social Conscience, a juried, traveling book arts exhibition scheduled from 2018 - 2021 to stop at six locations throughout the country. Work included in the show demonstrates how artist books give activism a visual voice, and can serve as powerful agents in effecting positive social change on issues encompassing social justice, power, politics, the environment and more. At each location, the exhibit will be accompanied by participatory programs and public education initiatives.

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Resource Guide for NVAM Triennial & Veteran Art Summit
7:00 PM19:00

Resource Guide for NVAM Triennial & Veteran Art Summit




EXHIBITION MAY 3, 2019 - JULY 29, 2019

SUMMIT MAY 3, 2019 - MAY 5, 2019

With a focus on the visual, literary, performative and creative practices of veterans, the National Veterans Art Museum Triennial and Veteran Art Summit explores a century of war and survival while challenging the perception that war is something only those who have served in the military can comprehend. Throughout history, art has provided a frame to create meaning out of the complicated experience of war, seek justice and imagine reconciliation. The NVAM Triennial draws on this history to connect today’s veteran artists with the history of veteran creative practices and their impact on society over the past century. The NVAM Triennial exhibition opening coincides with the Veteran Art Summit. A series of presentations, workshops, panels, and discussions will be held May 3 - 5 at the Chicago Cultural Center, DePaul Art Museum, and National Veterans Art Museum.

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Conflict Exchange
to Jul 6

Conflict Exchange

  • Chicago Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CONFLICT EXCHANGE (CX) Wafaa Bilal presents Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron Curated by Ian Alden Russell

Iraqi American Artist Wafaa Bilal launches the inaugural edition of his new work Conflict Exchange (CX) at the first National Veterans Art Museum Triennial. CX is a series of social platforms in the format of stores that explore the equity and relationships of post-conflict. In his inaugural edition, Bilal presents veteran artists Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron, who are featured on this social platform. Bilal developed CX as an extension of his celebrated interactive project 168:01, which invites visitors to contribute to the rebuilding of the fine art library in the post-conflict University of Baghdad through their purchase of blank white books crafted by the artist. Inside the first CX store, visitors encounter products made from donated military fatigues by Combat Paper — a veteran artisan collective led by Cameron. Throughout the exhibition period, Combat Paper will manufacture these products in the CX store where patrons will have the chance to interact with artisans from the collective. The interior of the first CX store is designed by Dietz, an artist and craftsperson whose work questions the boundary between soldiers and civilians. Visitors are encouraged to utilize the space designed by Dietz for encounters, interaction and communication. Visitors are invited to purchase the conflict byproducts from the store. All proceeds will contribute to the rebuilding of College of Fine Arts Library at the post-conflict University of Baghdad.

Combat Paper Drop-in Hours:

May 7,8,9,10 - 10am-5pm

June 4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

July 2,3,4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

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Conflict Exchange
to Jun 6

Conflict Exchange

  • Chicago Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CONFLICT EXCHANGE (CX) Wafaa Bilal presents Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron Curated by Ian Alden Russell

Iraqi American Artist Wafaa Bilal launches the inaugural edition of his new work Conflict Exchange (CX) at the first National Veterans Art Museum Triennial. CX is a series of social platforms in the format of stores that explore the equity and relationships of post-conflict. In his inaugural edition, Bilal presents veteran artists Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron, who are featured on this social platform. Bilal developed CX as an extension of his celebrated interactive project 168:01, which invites visitors to contribute to the rebuilding of the fine art library in the post-conflict University of Baghdad through their purchase of blank white books crafted by the artist. Inside the first CX store, visitors encounter products made from donated military fatigues by Combat Paper — a veteran artisan collective led by Cameron. Throughout the exhibition period, Combat Paper will manufacture these products in the CX store where patrons will have the chance to interact with artisans from the collective. The interior of the first CX store is designed by Dietz, an artist and craftsperson whose work questions the boundary between soldiers and civilians. Visitors are encouraged to utilize the space designed by Dietz for encounters, interaction and communication. Visitors are invited to purchase the conflict byproducts from the store. All proceeds will contribute to the rebuilding of College of Fine Arts Library at the post-conflict University of Baghdad.

Combat Paper Drop-in Hours:

May 7,8,9,10 - 10am-5pm

June 4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

July 2,3,4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

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Conflict Exchange
to May 10

Conflict Exchange

  • Chicago Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CONFLICT EXCHANGE (CX) Wafaa Bilal presents Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron Curated by Ian Alden Russell

Iraqi American Artist Wafaa Bilal launches the inaugural edition of his new work Conflict Exchange (CX) at the first National Veterans Art Museum Triennial. CX is a series of social platforms in the format of stores that explore the equity and relationships of post-conflict. In his inaugural edition, Bilal presents veteran artists Alicia Dietz and Drew Cameron, who are featured on this social platform. Bilal developed CX as an extension of his celebrated interactive project 168:01, which invites visitors to contribute to the rebuilding of the fine art library in the post-conflict University of Baghdad through their purchase of blank white books crafted by the artist. Inside the first CX store, visitors encounter products made from donated military fatigues by Combat Paper — a veteran artisan collective led by Cameron. Throughout the exhibition period, Combat Paper will manufacture these products in the CX store where patrons will have the chance to interact with artisans from the collective. The interior of the first CX store is designed by Dietz, an artist and craftsperson whose work questions the boundary between soldiers and civilians. Visitors are encouraged to utilize the space designed by Dietz for encounters, interaction and communication. Visitors are invited to purchase the conflict byproducts from the store. All proceeds will contribute to the rebuilding of College of Fine Arts Library at the post-conflict University of Baghdad.

Combat Paper Drop-in Hours:

May 7,8,9,10 - 10am-5pm

June 4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

July 2,3,4,5,6 - 10am-5pm

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